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Have been holed up at home this weekend with piles of work. At this rate I’ll hit the middle of the week with several completed projects and leads for the next batch.  In the meantime, I haven’t forgotten that I owe pictures (and posts in general) here.  In fact, I’ve even got a narrowed down pool for each category, and they should go up within the next day or two.  If I’m fantastically lucky, there’ll even be a few minutes of calm before and after.  Until then, I’ll have to remember calm from earlier times.  So, on that note…

As a good faith offering, here are a few images from where I am now. This place is still pretty new to me and, while it’s home for the moment, is the setting for an inner journey, one that has an undetermined destination – getting a new degree, I hope, will lead to new opportunities including a steady paycheck, but as anyone will tell you, that’s up in the air right now.

The American Southwest will also be the staging area for at least two trips that are coming up (let’s face it, funding will be a determinate factor in exactly how this all works out) but I’m really, really looking forward to some fresh terrain and new passport stamps… But I don’t like to jinx anything by talking too soon – I’ll post something just before I walk out the door to catch the bus or the plane, and then during and after. Plus, none of that will happen if I don’t get sleep at some point…

So… to start another jam-packed week… restful images from within walking distance…

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So wanderlust and itchy feet may not be the only thing I’ve inherited from my family.

Over the weekend, my parents flew from Taupo to Kaitaia – my dad took his friend’s plane up, and then took a Cessna 172 back, at times flying next to the Tecnam Sierra now flown by his friend.  This evening, my mother sent me these pictures, taken September 19-21.  I’ve been teased before about some of the things that always turn up in my photos, but looking at my mother’s, there’s definitely some similar subject matter.

There’s “process pictures” – in this case, pictures of gum collection, which I’m promised more information on later.

There’s “setting pictures” that try to describe the differences between spaces or things which exist everywhere – like houses, rooms, transportation, and restaurants – but vary from place to place.

There are pictures of other pictures, and pictures of things that catch our eye because of a name or number or pattern.

And finally, there are pictures taken out of the window – in this case, out the window of each plane on the way there on the way back.  In the last set, there are good shots of the Tecnam Sierra they flew on the way out.

This week, I’ll post examples of each from my pictures.

I’m throwing this post up quickly, because I’m posting on the evening of the 20th but some of these pictures were taken on the 21st and I can’t resist the opportunity to play with the dateline.

An explanation is coming up tomorrow…

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

– Mark Twain

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Freelance reporter, ASU Walter Cronkite graduate, News21 fellow - loves writing, travel, news and many other random things...

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September 2009
