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With a slight twist today, it’s today’s news instead of tomorrow, because there’s a few things I wanted to make sure to log…

First, in Somalia a suicide bombing killed 19 including three government ministers. The attack came during a graduation celebration for graduating Benadir University students who are hoping to be the next generation of doctors, much needed in the war torn country.

Troubling and confusing news of more unrest from Guinea via BBC News and Al Jazeera. Military leader Capt Moussa Dadis Camara, who’s been in power for a year since a successful coup, is said to be “doing well” and “out of danger” after being fired on and wounded by his own troops. The incident comes amidst calls by Human Rights Watch for Camara to release activist Mouctar Diallo.

Also, social media means connecting to anyone, anywhere – and sometimes, not in the way you expected. The Wall Street Journal describes how Iran is experimenting with new ways of using Facebook in Iranian Crackdown Goes Global. They say you never know who’s reading what you put online…

Finally, this New Zealand Herald article, Vanuatu: Lava’s in the air reminded me of this October post, also featuring Vanuatu. John McCrystal introduces us to Yasur, the volcanic “lighthouse of the Mediterranean,” on a daylong excursion


This is the first “Tomorrow’s News Today,” which is basically me staying up too late reading the New Zealand Herald (or, if I’m REALLY up too late, the BBC website) and wanting to share…

Background on this one… way back in summer of 2005, I found myself on the doorstep of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) where, among other things, I bought a nifty t-shirt and got caught up on issues of nuclear proliferation. This was kind of early in round one between IAEA and Mr. Ahmadinejad, and there was a lot to figure out, and our truly awesome IAEA hosts gave us continues to serve me well.

Iran sets date for inspection

Also, history class says democracy started here, and what’s not up for argument is beautiful landscapes and my eternal personal gratitude for introducing the world to gyros, so a little recognition never goes astray.

Heads of opposing dynasties trade places

Both potential fodder for future discussion, but for now, I’ve got an alarm set and want to get some sleep beforehand, so I’d better stop before I get started. Staying up too late is a long-term issue for me, so look for much more TNT coming up.


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Freelance reporter, ASU Walter Cronkite graduate, News21 fellow - loves writing, travel, news and many other random things...

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May 2024
